A new collection within DOMS: ‘Division of Learning and Teaching Professional Development ’
Category: Advantaging Academics
Congratulations to all our staff from the Division of Learning and Teaching staff who have received more than 100 awards as individuals or as members of teams since the launch of the RED awards.
Every two years the Australasian Council on Open, Distance and e-Learning (ACODE) holds the ACODE…
Division of Learning and Teaching staff regularly publish scholarly articles and present their work at…
Division of Learning and Teaching staff regularly publish scholarly articles and present their work at…
Did you know you can use NORFOLK for managing large classes and moderation of all kinds for written work?
In the spirit of curiosity and imagination we wanted to share and showcase some of…
The MOOC Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching. was recently honoured as “MOOC of the morning”.
Staff of the Learning Academy, Assoc. Professor Kogi Naidoo (Director) and Dr Deb Clarke (Senior…
This is the title of the new book co-authored by our own Assoc. Professor Philip Uys.